Secure Your Domain Today!

Explore the details of the domain, a second-level domain under the Burundi ccTLD. Learn about registration periods, restrictions, and the transfer process for domains.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Registration: Register your domain instantly and start using it immediately.


Fee Type Price (EUR)
Setup Fee €0
Annual Registration Fee €68,07 / year
First Year Registration Fee (Setup + Annual) €68,07
Domain Transfer Fee €68,07
Domain Restoration Fee €196,35

Note: Prices are subject to change. Please recheck this website for the most current pricing.

Check Domain Availability

Registration Restrictions

  • No pornographic, sexual, or racist words such as sex, porno, etc. Not permitted for domain names that mislead people like Restricted domain names will not be activated and no refunds are provided. Restricted domains include gov, net, edu, ac, com, co, int, mil, gouv, or other names related to government or public companies. Contact if you wish to create such a domain. Note that it will be assigned only if sponsored by an official authority. Generic names are also discouraged.

Domain Transfer Details

Transfer Procedure

  • To initiate a transfer, the gaining registrar must provide an authorization code. The transfer must be confirmed either via the RGP or with the losing registrar.

Transfer Notes

  • Transfer of a .bi domain to another registrar is not possible if the domain is in “Registrar Lock” status. The domain must be unlocked by the current registrar before it can be transferred.

Authorization Codes

  • Auth-Codes are required for all .bi transfers.

WHOIS and Domain Management

  • WHOIS Server: Visit WHOIS Server
  • Real-Time WHOIS Update: Keep your domain information up-to-date.
  • Domain Autorenewal: Enabled to ensure your domain does not expire unintentionally.
  • Privacy Protection: Available to keep your personal information secure.

Additional Information

  • Registration Time: 1-10 years

  • Deletion Timeframe: 2 days prior to paiduntil date

  • Redemption Period: 5 days

For more information and to register your domain, visit our website at