Secure Your .ly Domain Today!

.ly is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Libya. It is an excellent choice for businesses and individuals seeking a unique domain extension that resonates with the Libyan market. With a .ly domain, you can create a strong online presence that is both memorable and relevant to Libyan audiences.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Registration: Register your domain instantly and start using it immediately.


Fee Type Price (EUR)
Setup Fee €0
Annual Registration Fee €193,52 / year
First Year Registration Fee (Setup + Annual) €193,52
Domain Transfer Fee €193,52
Domain Restoration Fee €0

Note: Prices are subject to change. Please recheck this website for the most current pricing.

Check Domain Availability

Registration Restrictions

  • Domain names must not contain obscene, scandalous, indecent, or contrary to Libyan law or Islamic morality words, phrases nor abbreviations.
  • Strings shorter than four symbols long are to be registered directly under .ly ONLY through Libya Telecom and Technology in the upcoming period to guarantee that registrants have local presence.

Domain Transfer Details

Transfer Procedure

  • After initiating a transfer, you need to send a letter of authorization to our fulfillment team.
  • Dear NIC.LY, dear Libyan Spider LLC, We hereby request and authorize the transfer of the domain to Libyan Spider, LLC / account. Best regards, Last name, first name

Transfer Notes

Authorization Codes

  • AuthInfo Code is needed for the transfer of a .ly domain

WHOIS and Domain Management

  • WHOIS Server: Visit WHOIS Server
  • Real-Time WHOIS Update: Keep your domain information up-to-date.
  • Domain Autorenewal: Enabled to ensure your domain does not expire unintentionally.
  • Privacy Protection: Available to keep your personal information secure.

Additional Information

  • Registration Time: up to 3 working days

  • Deletion Timeframe: 21 days prior to paid until date

  • Redemption Period: 75 days

For more information and to register your .ly domain, visit our website at