Secure Your .xn–qxa6a Domain Today!

.ευ is the ideal domain for individuals and entities within the European Union, offering connectivity and visibility across European nations. Secure your unique .ευ domain now and establish your EU presence!

Key Features

  • Real-Time Registration: Register your domain instantly and start using it immediately.

  • DNS Security (DNSSEC): Enhanced security features for your peace of mind.

  • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs): Support for non-Latin characters in domain names.

  • IPv6 Support: Future-proof your domain with IPv6 compatibility.


Fee Type Price (EUR)
Setup Fee €0
Annual Registration Fee €6,24 / year
First Year Registration Fee (Setup + Annual) €6,24
Domain Transfer Fee €6,24
Domain Restoration Fee €19,64

Note: Prices are subject to change. Please recheck this website for the most current pricing.

Check Domain Availability

Registration Restrictions

  • The email used during domain registration cannot include the newly registered domain.
  • Entities located in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Norway can register.
  • European citizens, independently of their residence, can register.
  • Trustee service available for registrants outside the EU.
  • Admin contact at the registry is the same as the owner contact.
  • Status ‘Delayed’ means immediate delegation in the .eu zone file cannot be completed.
  • EURid directly handles the delegation postponement.
  • Update, delete, or transfer can be conducted on a ‘Delayed’ domain via EPP commands.
  • Delayed domain names are temporarily inactive.
  • APEWS algorithm flags potentially abusive registrations.
  • Verification systems check domain names before final delegation.
  • European citizens living outside of the EU can specify their citizenship to register.

Domain Transfer Details

Transfer Procedure

  • The authcode must be explicitly requested via the SetAuthCode command through the current registrar before initiating a transfer.
  • Effective May 16, 2018, the transmission of the owner contact is required for domain name transfers.
  • Name servers must be provided in cases where the current ones cannot be parsed.

Transfer Notes

  • Deleted domains under the current registrar’s management can be restored from quarantine and simultaneously transferred to Key-Systems.
  • Change of registrant from quarantine is not possible.

Authorization Codes

  • The authcode includes 16 characters separated by dashes, valid for 40 days or until used.
  • Authcodes are not issued for domain names that are blocked, reserved, withdrawn or under registry lock.

WHOIS and Domain Management

  • WHOIS Server: Visit WHOIS Server
  • Real-Time WHOIS Update: Keep your domain information up-to-date.
  • Domain Autorenewal: Enabled to ensure your domain does not expire unintentionally.
  • Privacy Protection: Available to keep your personal information secure.

Additional Information

  • Deletion Timeframe: 1 day prior to paiduntil date

  • Redemption Period: 40 days

For more information and to register your .xn–qxa6a domain, visit our website at .