Secure Your Domain Today!

Experience the culture and vibrancy of Brazil with a domain. Perfect for businesses and individuals looking to connect with the Brazilian audience, the domain extension offers a trusted and recognizable web presence. Whether you’re a local entrepreneur, a cultural institution, or seeking to expand your global reach, registering a domain is the first step towards establishing your digital identity in Brazil.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Registration: Register your domain instantly and start using it immediately.

  • Trustee Service Available: Simplify your domain registration process and comply with local presence requirements effortlessly.

  • DNS Security (DNSSEC): Enhanced security features for your peace of mind.

  • Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs): Support for non-Latin characters in domain names.

  • IPv6 Support: Future-proof your domain with IPv6 compatibility.


Fee Type Price (EUR)
Setup Fee €0
Annual Registration Fee €12,39 / year
First Year Registration Fee (Setup + Annual) €12,39
Domain Transfer Fee €0
Domain Restoration Fee €9,70

Note: Prices are subject to change. Please recheck this website for the most current pricing.

Check Domain Availability

Registration Restrictions

  • Configured name servers are required. Therefore, the registry provides a zone check at
  • The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact).
  • In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR name registrations, it must prove it is a non-governamental and a not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can NOT be used.
  • A domain might NOT be available for registration by having participated in more than six (6) consecutive release processes. Details about the liberation process can be found on the registry website

Domain Transfer Details

Transfer Procedure

  • A domain transfer must be initiated with a form available only on NIC.BR’s website in Portuguese. After notarization, the document is sent to the Brazilian registry, which will follow up with the trustee if applicable.

Transfer Notes

  • Transferring a domain requires the domain’s current owner to complete a document notarially certified and send it to the Brazilian registry NIC.BR. The transfer form can be found on NIC.BR’s website and is available only in Portuguese.

Authorization Codes

  • 6 - 16 characters

WHOIS and Domain Management

  • WHOIS Server: Visit WHOIS Server
  • Real-Time WHOIS Update: Keep your domain information up-to-date.
  • Domain Autorenewal: Enabled to ensure your domain does not expire unintentionally.
  • Privacy Protection: Available to keep your personal information secure.

Additional Information

  • Registration Time: up to 3 working days

  • Deletion Timeframe: 2 days prior to paiduntil date

  • Redemption Period: 14 days

For more information and to register your domain, visit our website at .