Secure Your .al Domain Today!

Discover the versatility of the .al domain, perfect for Albanian businesses and international organizations with a presence in Albania. Secure your digital identity with a domain that conveys trust and authenticity.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Registration: Register your domain instantly and start using it immediately.
  • Trustee Service Available: Simplify your domain registration process and comply with local presence requirements effortlessly.


Fee Type Price (EUR)
Setup Fee €0
Annual Registration Fee €65,96 / year
First Year Registration Fee (Setup + Annual) €65,96
Domain Transfer Fee €65,96
Domain Restoration Fee €0

Note: Prices are subject to change. Please recheck this website for the most current pricing.

Check Domain Availability

Registration Restrictions

  • For Albanian commercial organizations or foreign organizations with a permanent legal representative within Albania. Starting from the day of the registration of a domain name the ‘possessor’ is allowed 15 days to make any possible changes/corrections of a spelling mistake on a registered domain name or information regarding the contacts. After the above mentioned period, the request for changes/corrections of a domain name is considered as a request for a new registration, and as a result has to be accompanied by an application form for a new registration.
  • If no local contact was submitted, it would be automatically replaced by our trustee service for free.

Domain Transfer Details

Transfer Procedure

  • To transfer a .al domain, you need an authorization code from the current registrar. Ensure that the expiration date is at least 30 days in the future.

Transfer Notes

  • A .al domain transfer must be initiated with a so-called authorization code, which can be obtained from the current registrar and the expiration date needs to be more than 30 days in the future.

Authorization Codes

  • A .al domain transfer must be initiated with a so-called authorization code, which can be obtained from the current registrar and the expiration date needs to be more than 30 days in the future.

WHOIS and Domain Management

  • WHOIS Server: Visit WHOIS Server
  • Real-Time WHOIS Update: Keep your domain information up-to-date.
  • Domain Autorenewal: Enabled to ensure your domain does not expire unintentionally.
  • Privacy Protection: Available to keep your personal information secure.

Additional Information

  • Registration Time: Real-time

  • Deletion Timeframe: A .al domain name must be deleted 21 days prior to its paid-until date.

For more information and to register your .al domain, visit our website at